Minor League Golf Tour Bonus Pool

No players are paid for this event

Bonus Pool Payout Calculator

Projected Number of Players: 0, Rounds: 2
Per Player Per Round Event Total
Bonus Pool Entry Fee
Bonus Pool Purse
Course Costs, Range Balls, Admin Fee, Tax & Tips Paid in Event Entry

Bonus Pool.

Since you are already paying course and administration fees with your event entry, 100% of the bonus pool entry goes into the bonus pool purse. The bonus pool has a 33% payout with solo last place money equalling at least 100% of the bonus pool entry fee.

All payouts are generated by our Bonus Pool Purse Calculator. Using the drop down link on the calculator, you can change the number of players and the payout will adjust. Each event with a bonus pool option will have a link to it, with that events bonus pool entry amount. The bonus pool entry fee amount appears on the event details page.

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